Antonio Costa

Research Interests

Selected publications

  1. Spin waves in zigzag graphene nanoribbons and the stability of edge ferromagnetism, with F. J. Culchac and A. Latgé, New Journal of Physics 13, 033028 (2011)
  2. Itinerant Nature of Atom-Magnetization Excitation by Tunneling Electrons, with A. A. Khajetoorians, S. Lounis, B. Chilian, Lihui Zhou, D. L. Mills, J. Wiebe and R. Wiesendanger, Phys. Rev. Lett. 106, 037205 (2011).
  3. Spin Orbit Coupling and Spin Waves in Ultrathin Ferromagnets: The Spin Wave Rashba Effect, with R. B. Muniz, S. Lounis, A. B. Klautau and D. L. Mills, Phys. Rev. B 82, 014428 (2010).
  4. Dynamic interaction between localized magnetic moments in carbon nanotubes, New Journal of Physics 10, 063008 (2008), with R. B. Muniz and M. S. Ferreira.
  5. Ferromagnetic resonance linewidths in ultrathin structures: A theoretical study of spin pumping, Phys. Rev. B 73, 054426 (2006); with R.B. Muniz and D.L. Mills.
  6. Ground state of magnetic dimers on metal surfaces, Phys. Rev. Lett. 94, 137203 (2005); with R. B. Muniz and D. L. Mills.
  7. Theory of large wave-vector spin waves in ferromagnetic films: sensitivity to electronic structure, Phys. Rev. B 70, 54406 (2004); with R. B. Muniz and D. L. Mills.
  8. Theory of spin excitations in Fe(110) multilayers, Phys. Rev. B 68, 224435 (2003); with R. B. Muniz and D. L. Mills.

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